Friday, February 5, 2010

Mme Pépin: A short story on pancakes

One of the many perks to the life I enjoyed back when I lived with my parents, and still do enjoy when I visit with them on a weekend, is my younger brother's breakfasts. Petit Pepin enjoys making full breakfasts on Saturday mornings consisting of pancakes, eggs and bacon. He has become very good at these breakfast staples, especially since he has stopped (for the most part) putting food coloring into the pancakes (mmm green pancakes).

Last weekend I was gifted with a lazy Sunday. While assessing my breakfast options I noted that there was just enough milk in my fridge to make pancakes from a mix (and by just enough I mean just not enough, but I "adjusted" the other measurements accordingly-ish).

The mixing went well, the questionable measurements didn't seem too troublesome, what made this process go from "hey this is cute I'm making pancakes for breakfast" to "hmmm maybe green pancakes wouldn't be so bad right now" was the combination of the mix and the pan. Needless to say, my pancakes weren't dainty little circles, they more resembled what I'd expect early cellular life forms to look like. I attempted to flip them with ease, but every time a corner didn't quite manage to flip. They were browning fast, too thick, and the shapes were getting weirder still as the corners that didn't flip got stuck.

I ended up with four "pancakes". One light one, two very dark ones, and one that was still quite mushy inside, rendering it not fit for consumption.

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